Episode 12: How to Choose Patterns & Fabric for Your Sewn Capsule Wardrobe (Sew a Capsule Wardrobe Part 3)

In this episode I share some tips and strategies on how to choose the perfect sewing patterns and fabric for your sewn capsule wardrobe. Here are the links I referred to in the podcast: On the Grow Romper Etsy Link: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/540659433/apple-tree-on-the-grow-romper-pdf-sewing?ref=market My colour palette: https://coolors.co/413c58-829399-bcf8ec-ffffff-f7e9e3 Polyvore (link to some capsule wardrobe ideas): https://www.polyvore.com/capsule_wardrobes/group.show?id=91338 Pattern recommendations […]

Episode 4: Sewing Patterns & Pattern Drafting

In this episode I share some exciting news about the website, how I draft sewing patterns, some sewing pattern history and a few reasons why you might want to learn some basic pattern drafting skills. The website for The Great British Sewing Bee TV Show I discussed:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01ssxqf Here’s a link to the Butterick website I […]