In this episode I share a bit about me, explain how I decided to start up my new website and podcast, as well as share my # 1 sewing tip with you.
Here is are the links to the paid shirt drafting classes I referenced:
On Craftsy (I haven’t taken this one, but the reviews are good): https://www.craftsy.com/sewing/classes/designing-your-wardrobe-drafting-tops/59673
The Creative Bug class I have taken and I really enjoyed it. It’s a different process than the one I developed my method from but it is really great (plus you can get a 14 day trial so you can watch for free): https://www.creativebug.com/classseries/single/pattern-drafting-t-shirt
Michealangelo Quote: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/m/michelange108779.html
Gathered circle skirt tutorial: http://www.appletreesewing.com/2017/03/04/gatheredcircleskirt/
Music Attribution:
TITLE: Back In Summer
Heidlas, N. (2016). Back in summer [Recorded by N. Heidlas]. Retrieved from: https://soundcloud.com/nicolai-heidlas/95-bpm-back-in-summer-upbeat-ukulele-background-music
How did you get started into sewing? I’d love to hear. Share below 🙂